Eating Disorders

I’m a Credentialed Eating Disorder Clinician (CEDC), and I’ve been working with people with eating disorders for well over 10 years.

I can help you recover from:

  • Avoidant-Restrictive Food Intake Disorder in adults (ARFID)
  • Anorexia Nervosa and atypical Anorexia Nervosa / OSFED
  • Bulimia Nervosa and atypical Bulimia Nervosa/ OSFED
  • Binge-Eating Disorder and atypical Binge-Eating Disorder / OSFED


Although it is always best to address these disorders as soon as possible, it is never “too late” to recover. It will take consistent effort and it is hard work to recover, but it is also hard work to keep living with these disorders. We know that some people have several ‘goes’ at therapy before they can really commit to recovery, and we are here to help.

If you are looking for information about these disorders, we recommend the Butterfly Foundation or Inside Out.

Eating Disorder Myths and Facts

These days, dieting takes different forms: restricting overall food intake, cutting out certain foods or whole food groups, going for long periods of time without eating (fasting), or replacing food with non-food (shakes). None of these are normal eating behaviours, and they increase the risk that you will develop an eating disorder. Dieting is not healthy – it places a strain on your body, not to mention your mind. It slows down your metabolism so you feel tired and lethargic, it makes you more hungry so you constantly think about food, and when you do let yourself eat you’re more likely to feel out of control. It messes up your hunger and fullness signals and makes you think you can’t trust your own body. If you have depression or anxiety, it can make these worse. Does that sound normal or healthy?

Anyone of any gender and any age can get an eating disorder. While some disorders are more likely to happen during adolescence or early adulthood, they are actually more common in adults, and the risk increases in middle age.  

Anyone can get an eating disorder, and the number of men with eating disorders and body image distress is increasing in Australia. 

People with eating disorders often don’t look unwell at first, and may never look unwell.  Even people who restrict food may not look unwell at first, so by the time their weight loss is noticeable, they are actually very, very unwell. 

People in any size body can have an eating disorder.  You can’t tell whether someone has a disorder just by knowing their weight or BMI. Unfortunately, many people in larger bodies who have eating disorders are not diagnosed and don’t receive treatment because of the common (but wrong) belief that you have to be thin to have an eating disorder.

Eating disorders are complex psychological disorders which have serious medical implications which can be lifelong, and can unfortunately lead to death.  These disorders impair all aspects of life: eating, working, socializing, relationships, exercise and movement, even sleep.  They impair all systems of the body: the heart and circulation, muscles and bones, hormones, fertility and the endochrine system, brain function, the gut and digestive system, even bladder and bowel function.  

In young people, normal adolescent development is impaired, and some of these effects can be lifelong, particularly the impact on fertility, bone health, height, the heart and the endochrine system. 

Of course, they also impair all aspects of cognitive functioning and psychological health: thinking and concentration are impaired, perception of reality is distorted, self awareness is reduced, body image and self esteem are usually low, and there is often a high level of self criticism,  perfectionistic thinking and obsessiveness.

Eating disorder treatment

We help young people and adults recover from an eating disorder.

Eating disorder resources

Books and online resources we recommend.
Finding Balance Psychology is no longer accepting referrals for young people and families, but we welcome referrals for adults 18 years and over.